Contact us: |
National Centre for Educational Practices, ARPSO Ukraine
Nezalezhnosti 2, office 532
Kyiv, 02012, Ukraine
Dmytro Furman
Phone: +38-044-253-3152
Phone: +38-044-232-6201
Mobile: +38-067-546-0393
Fax: +38-044-278-8627
Andriy Zheltov
Coordinator of international relations
Phone: +38-063-688-5313
More about ...
Association of Right Protecting Student Organizers of Ukraine (ARPSOU)
in common with company "Educational and cultural exchange"
(License of Ministry of Labor ÀÂ #362791 from 07.11.2007) provide testing and selection of candidates in Ukraine for agricultural training
within the Farming Development Program in Ukraine.
ARPSOU is the all-Ukrainian youth public organization established since 1996 as
an Association of Trade Union Organizations of Students.
The Association has its regional offices in every of 25 regions of Ukraine and representations
in most of institutes of higher education.
Present number of members consists about 700 thousand students from educational establishments all kind of ownership.
The main in activity of ARPSOU is assistance of the requirements satisfaction of students and youth
in the field of life, rest, realization of creative and professional potential.
2007 for the purpose of perfection of youth international exchange programs Association has established
the recruitment company "Educational and cultural exchange", which has a license for mediation in job placement abroad.
Also for widening of activity in branch of tourism and rest ARPSOU has established a travel company
"ARPSOU-Tour" working as a travel operator.
Asmildklostervej 9
8800, Viborg, Denmark
Lise Jensen
Sekretary for 4H and Region Viborg
Administrator of
Phone: +45-8728-1840
Phone: +45-8728-1841
More about ...
Ungdomskontoret is an advisory-company owned by The Danish Farms Org. (Dansk
Landbrug), The Young Farmers Club (LandboUngdom) and the 4H Children
Main kinds of activities are:
Educational student exchange: providing education in Danish agrarian school and
making connection between Danish farmers and students from East-Europe,
consulting farmers in all of concerning foreign labor in Danish agriculture,
filling out contracts and application papers for Work-&Residence permissions,
consulting foreign students in any questions of agricultural training in Denmark.
Labor exchange: managing www.jobstafetten.dk,
on-line job database fore people
looking fore agricultural job in Denmark.
Exhibition activity: providing the big yearly agricultural exhibition MidtWest
Farmshow and also the European Reversible Ploughing Championships.
Advisory activity: event-coordinating all activities for the Young Farmers Club
(LandboUngdom) in region Viborg, consulting and servicing farmers in
work-environment and prevention accidents from happening and much more in this